“In the new business environment, results are achieved not through command, authority and control, but by facilitating the highest and best contributions of people throughout the organization. To this end, an entirely new approach to leadership is required – one that is grounded in strong relationships, conscious influence, targeted enrollment, keen perception, comfort with risk taking, and facilitation of conversations. Facilitative Leadership is proven effective in helping leaders and organizations accelerate results in the face of emerging business challenges.”
Judith E. Glaser
Organisational Anthropologist
Author of Conversational Intelligence: How Great Leaders Build Trust and Get Extraordinary Results
Building a Culture of Trust in our VUCA World
Conversational Intelligence:
Creating a Culture of Trust
Gaining and maintaining trust is especially critical during challenging times. We help leaders do just that using a proven framework tried and tested by global companies. Knowing how to activate trust will enable leaders to shape the mindsets and experiences people have at work by reducing fear and negative attitudes, and instead create cultures that facilitate empathy, mutual support, vital communication, and engagement.
You will learn which kind of conversations trigger the lower, more primitive brain and which conversations activate higher-level qualities such as trust, integrity, empathy, and good judgment.
Conversational Intelligence makes complex scientific material simple to understand and apply through a wealth of easy-to-use tools, examples, conversational rituals, and practices.
Global clients include American Express, Barclays Bank, Burberry, Credit Suisse, Donna Karan International, Goldman Sachs, HSBC, Boehringer Ingelheim, JPMorgan Chase, Merrill Lynch and UBS.